For anyone who doesn't know, I lost my job in January. Womp womp, too bad, so sad. In all honesty, it was a blessing in disguise. I was in a position that wasn't really something I cared to be doing and I was super stressed. By the end of February, I found a position that I think puts me in a better place - at least my state of mind! In brief, I'm now doing a sort of sales and procurement mix. I like it a lot. I like the company, I like the people I work with - and yes, I go into an actual office everyday, which is great for my need of routine. I've been there for about 10 weeks now and so far, it's going really well. Hopefully that keeps up! I also had a chance to visit with Betsy back in January, which I might not have gotten to otherwise. Totally worth it!
I'll do my best to recap the past few months now.
I started back to work mid-February so the only real exciting thing to happen since then was my birthday. Well, exciting for me anyway. Sam also got me the coolest bracelet ever.
...and that's really about it for February. Moving on!
The first week in March brought about the coolest weather since we've lived here. No joke: it was in the 30s one morning! The me of last year is laughing at that thought. I was frigid. It's amazing how much can change in a year!
My Nana & Ba were visiting my parents, so we had an opportunity to see them and show off our new house. My Nana is terrified of flying, so we all know the real reason she got on that plane was to see Bandit! All kidding aside, it was great to have the opportunity to see them.
Really, March is the reason we moved to Florida. It's gorgeous. And while we might be wearing long sleeves, it's rather glorious in the sun!!
We also went back up to the Space Center to see the re-designed entrance. They did a really fantastic job of it and we can't wait to check out when they add the Atlantis to the entrance!
We also headed up to the Flower and Garden Festival at Epcot. If you've never been for the festival, it's really gorgeous. There are topiaries all around Epcot, mostly through the World Showcase, but my favorite is the blanket of flowers found in the view below. It's so vibrant!
We also met up with my parents and tried La Hacienda. It was the first time I had ever been since it opened. I don't know what took me so long! The food was outstanding and the atmosphere is perfect. I'm not surprised by how well it's doing at all!
Shrimp Tacos |
Can you hear the choir of angels? No? Just me? The lines have been pretty ridiculous, but they've started to calm down recently. I should mention that this went in less than 2 miles from our house. It's dangerous AND delicious!
Vero Beach |
We also took a road trip down the Vero Beach one weekend and took A1A all the way. I think life is pretty good if that's considered mundane!
It was really nice to be able to have a group of friends over who also enjoy random board games.
Speaking of friends, I was able to visit with my friend Jill last weekend since she was in the Orlando area visiting her parents. We became friends at my last job, so it's nice to know that our friendship has continued past that time.
Last weekend was also the Downtown Melbourne Art Festival. I was pretty excited since we have lots of blank walls to fill...we finally actually put up some of our art too! We figured maybe since we've been in the house for 6 months that it was about time!
Of course, we still have stark white walls. But we've begun to look at paint colors...maybe we'll finally decide on something in another 6 months!
Anyway, while at the Art Festival we found something that will be perfect in our nook at the entrance. It's by a local photographer and it was taken at Sanibel Island.
Which brings us to the present! Woo! It's been pretty rainy all week. Rainy and gray and miserable. I seriously don't know how I dealt with it up in Rochester! It seems like the rain is finally breaking up, which means rainbows of course! I was really excited to see this beautiful sight tonight:
And finally, to end, Bandit is doing well. He enjoys keeping watch on the neighborhood from the dining room window. Of course, he has learned that if he jumps up on the ledge, I will not help him down. Instead I will take a picture and laugh.
We're looking forward to the summer: I'll be heading up in June for Maggie's wedding. Jess and I are making it a girls weekend, which I'm really excited for. In August, I'm heading back to Philly for Britt's wedding, then Geoff and I are heading to New Hampshire for family festivities. We'll also be back up in Vermont for Thanksgiving...hopefully it won't be too cold! I promise I'll try to be better about updates in the future! Hope everyone is doing well!
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