Those of you who follow me on Twitter probably already know this, but I didn't post it on Facebook (yet.) I was looking at all the news coming out of California Adventure and thought "it's a shame flights are so expensive to California, I'd love to go and see all the new things." Geoff and I had talked about the fact we had to use the credits Delta gave us for totally screwing up the flights for our honeymoon (you can read about that
here) but we didn't have anywhere in mind. The credits expire at the end of October, and Delta (even when asked directly) was not very clear on whether that expiration date was a USE by date, or a FLY by date.
So long big letters! |
So all that led me to look on much *was* a flight out to California? Verdict: $302. With our credits we had 2 at $300 and 2 at $75. So the flight would be free: CHECK. The only real snag was that Geoff had absolutely
no interest in going. Well, the dates I was looking at were over my Mom's birthday and the one thing we could do with the credits was transfer them. So I floated the idea out to my Mom and she was interested. She has never actually been to Disneyland. Last year she was at a conference in Anaheim and took people to dinner at Napa Rose, but she hasn't been to the parks.
Disneyland! |
Next on our list was a hotel. My Mom travels a lot and has a ton of Marriott points. So she's using points for our hotel (I'll let on where we're staying after we get back! Promise!) A plus: Marriott has a program that if you use points for 4 nights, you get the 5th free. So we extended our trip another day. Obviously.
The weird thing about Disneyland is that it requires far less planning than a trip to Disney I'm currently just waiting for park hours to be released and then we'll book our dining (well, some of's not as necessary to have reservations at Disneyland as it is at Disney World!) We got 4 day park hoppers, and I managed to get them at a discount on the pre-price increase price! Woot! (From
aRes Travel.) We're flying into John Wayne airport (also known as Orange County, but I like John Wayne better) and I booked the Super Shuttle to take us to and from the hotel.
So long Golden Gate! |
I'm super excited to check out Cars Land and Buena Vista Street at California Adventure! All the pictures this week with the previews and the opening are just making me that much more excited! For dining, we know we definitely want to go to Napa Rose. We also want to try the new restaurant, Carthay Circle Theater on Buena Vista Street. Other than that...we have a lot to figure out!
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